sec2100 發表於 2021-11-14 10:28:27


tpe 110金61

至原告又提出原證11即CME GROUP於109年4月16日發布之通知(見本院卷一第244頁至第255頁、卷二第197頁至第198頁),主張芝加哥商品交易所集團已於109年4月16日向所有使用市場資料之客戶通知系爭商品得以負值交易,被告既與之簽約,自亦有接受此一通知云云,然被告否認曾收受上開通知,雖被告不否認為CME之交易會員,然此不等同被告即為CME GROUP之交易會員,而必定有接獲CME GROUP之通知,原告又提出原證28、原證37即CME、CBOT、NYMEX、COMEX Rulebook(見本院卷二第207頁至第227頁、卷三第99頁至第169頁),主張被告應遵守相關交易規則,即被告有隨時追蹤、查核是否有交易規則變動,並公告予期貨交易人之責,然CME GROUP與CME、CBOT、NYMEX、COMEX究屬不同之主體,故亦難憑此逕認被告確有收受上開通知。

sec2100 發表於 2021-11-14 10:32:48 ... ebook/CME/I/1/1.pdf

Any adult of good moral character, reputation and business integrity, with adequate financial resources and credit to assume the responsibilities and privileges of membership, is eligible for membership in the Exchange. A determination as to whether an applicant for membership or an applicant for an incentive program satisfies the Exchange requirements shall be made by the Membership Committee or by staff in the applicable department. A person approved for membership and an individual or entity approved for an incentive program shall be subject to all Exchange Rules. Notwithstanding a transfer of membership, a person shall continue to be responsible for violations of Exchange Rules committed by him while he was a member and also agrees to have any disputes, which arose while he was a member and which relate to or arise out of any transaction upon the Exchange or membership in the Exchange, resolved in accordance with Exchange Rules.
頁: [1]
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